Agenti di Commercio

Altri 41 utenti hanno visto negli ultimi minuti questa offerta di lavoro. Affrettati ad inviare la tua candidatura


Annuncio n. 0077256448

Agents Distributors for Pharmacy, Cosmetics, Sport & Lifestyle

location Croazia, Estonia, Francia, Irlanda, Italia, Lettonia, Lituania, Slovenia



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Independent Swedish sunscreen company is searching for ambitious agents / distributors to join our growing EU team.

We are a company that manufacturers worry-free sunscreen. We use natural ingredients and make modern and understandable sunscreen products.

Sunscreen is one of the most toxic categories of cosmetics, and Suntribe believes that this is an important thing to change. It is important that our agent believes in what we are doing as a company. Our vision is to sell a product which people can feel safe with, and to use science and common sense to prove and show that our products are safe and effective.

Suntribe is a brand with a youthful and lifestyle focused image. Our focus is developing and selling mineral-based safe sunscreen products, but we also produce some non-SPF cosmetics.

We sell our products in:

- Pharmacies
- Sport Stores (Surfing, Diving, Climbing, Outdoor, Etc)
- Retail Stores
- Natural Cosmetics Stores
- Cosmetics Stores
- Niche Stores (Zero-Waste, Plastic-Free, Vegan, Etc)
- Mixed E-Commerce Stores (Niche, Cosmetics, Outdoor, Sports, Etc)

The agent is expected to find customers and have a continuous conversation with Suntribe about the progress of the sales work. Suntribe will supply all the needed materials for the Agent such as digital sales material and physical samples.

Suntribe has products in two categories. Sport & Sun Care.

The Sports products are very popular in the lifestlye and sports segments, specifically in the surfing community.

The Sun Care products are very popular in the natural cosmetics and niche segments.

If you have a sales network in cosmetics or the lifestyle / sports industry this is a big plus, and will help you succeed with Suntribe.

We are looking forward to talking with you.



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