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Annuncio n. 0077255813

Sales Rep Jewelry

 Belgio, Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Irlanda, Italia, Olanda, Spagna, Svezia, Ungheria

 Momentoss Jewel



When founding MOMENTOSS® FILO, Alexander Stadler decided to have his collections manufactured in Italy. “Made in Italy” forms part of the company concept and identity and is at the same time a message to the customers. Inspired by the fiery and cheerful Italian temperament, MOMENTOSS® FILO combines these characteristics with Austrian tradition, elegance and femininity. Jewellery, which is not only feminine, sexy and attractive but also incomparable and irresistible. Jewellery, which not only emphasises the femininity in every woman but turns her into a real diva.
Alexander Stadler has always remained faithful to his goal never to stand still in his development and always to create new designs and jewellery collections. It is in particular his innovative team of designers who not only foster new ideas but also translate them into reality. In this way, pieces of jewellery of stunning beauty and in ever-new variations are created for women who are looking for something very special.

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