Agenti di Commercio

Altri 49 utenti hanno visto negli ultimi minuti questa offerta di lavoro. Affrettati ad inviare la tua candidatura


Annuncio n. 0077255816

Independent Sales Agents Ho.Re.Ca.

location Austria, Belgio, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cipro, Croazia, Danimarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Irlanda, Italia, Lettonia, Lituania, Lussemburgo, Malta, Montenegro, Olanda, Polonia, Portogallo, Regno Unito, Repubblica Ceca, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Spagna, Svezia, Svizzera, Turchia, Ucraina, Ungheria

Denmark BoostMyRoom


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Great opportunities
Do you treasure your financial independence and the versatility of the open road?
Then this could be your great opportunity.
We are introducing our product to the world and are looking for agents to sell and manage accounts.

About the job
Being an agent allows you to work independently in your region in the comfortable daily environment of the hotel business.
Do you have:
A good understanding of how the hotel industry works
The ability to search for and visit hotels
Dedication and drive to keep yourself going
The ability to create trust, negotiate, and close the sale
The will to build and maintain a B2B customer network within the hotel industry

About the compensation
You get to build and maintain your own portfolio of accounts, which means a recurring stream of commission.
This is a 100% commission based position. No base salary. Travel/meeting expenses are not covered.
Expected commissions first year $50.000+
Expected commissions second year $100.000+

About the product
BoostMyRoom is a unique marketing tool for hotels, and we deliver where other systems fail.
We have developed an online tool, which helps generate revenue for all kinds of hotels.
We have a win-win approach with the hotels, and the selling points are very convincing.
To learn more visit

About the company
BoostMyRoom is an privately owned independent company.
Our roots are in the online digitial world. We invent, develop and sell our services across the world.

Please send a mail to we look forward to hear from you.

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