
Altri 9 utenti hanno visto negli ultimi minuti questa offerta di lavoro. Affrettati ad inviare la tua candidatura

Annuncio n. 0077256105

Sales Agents for Jewellery and Bijoux

 Austria, Belgio, Francia, Germania, Spagna

 Aria Preziosa Srl - Tamashii



Italian company in the jewelery sector for almost 20 years, Aria Preziosa is present in Italy with more than 1,000 retailers across the country.

To grow our position in the European market, we are looking for Commercial Agents to represent and distribute our products; in particular, among all our items, it stands out the TAMASHII collection, bracelets made in Tibet and made only with natural stones.

Agents have to be introduced to the jewelery sector for at least 5 years, they have to know the specific market very well and they have to already have a "customer portfolio".

Aria preziosa offers:
- Interesting commissions;
- Incentives in line with the objectives achieved;
- Always updated promotional material and grants maximum availability to its collaborators;
- Training.

Italian company in the jewelery sector for almost 20 years, Aria Preziosa is present in Italy with more than 1,000 retailers across the country.

To grow our position in the European market, we are looking for Commercial Agents to represent and distribute our products; in particular, among all our items, it stands out the TAMASHII collection, bracelets made in Tibet and made only with natural stones.

Agents have to be introduced to the jewelery sector for at least 5 years, they have to know the specific market very well and they have to already have a "customer portfolio".

Aria preziosa offers:
- Interesting commissions;
- Incentives in line with the objectives achieved;
- Always updated promotional material and grants maximum availability to its collaborators;
- Training.

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