
Altri 21 utenti hanno visto negli ultimi minuti questa offerta di lavoro. Affrettati ad inviare la tua candidatura

Annuncio n. 0077256048

Sales Agents for Print

 Austria, Belgio, Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Italia, Olanda, Regno Unito, Spagna, Svezia, Svizzera

 Friendly Toner GmbH



FriendlyToner is a pan Europeanpartner for sustainable excellence in print.

We are now looking for active sales agents to target the channel and B2B customers in the Europe market. 

FriendlyToner distributes top quality environmental certified Green Toner all over Europe. 

- We automate shipping directly from the factory to local office desk in Europe.
- Auto order of every shipment.
- We ship our product to the specified location within Europe (drop shipping)
- We provide environmentally friendly and certified toner and ink

Friendly Toner are now looking for a pro-active sales agent that has broad experience and knowhow from the Copier and Printing market. 

The Agent is expected to aggressively build the new customer base and elevate the sales of existing ones. Active visits of customers is expected of You.

Necessary product training and support is offered.

The sales agent work on commission or from own company.

If You feel You are up for a challenge please don’t hesitate to contact us

Feel free to contact us.

Best Regards,

Johan Warnqvist
CEO Friendly Toner GmbH


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