
Altri 44 utenti hanno visto negli ultimi minuti questa offerta di lavoro. Affrettati ad inviare la tua candidatura

Annuncio n. 0077256333

Sales Agents Distributors for Footwear and Leather Goods

 Francia, Germania, Italia, Regno Unito, Spagna

 Conceria Alaska B.S.C. Srl




The Alaska Tannery has been active since 1968. Strong tradition and competence inserted within the Tuscan Tanning District

 Production focused on cowhides for the footwear and leather goods sector

We are looking for single or multi-firm agent or distributors with a strong presence in the country of competence and an excellent knowledge of the reference market.

Pre- and post-sales commercial support is guaranteed from our sales office at the main headquarters of the Company

Commission ratio to be agreed with the candidate on the basis of experience, customer base and common objectives



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