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Annuncio n. 0077255913

Sales Agents - Distributors - Resellers for Sportswear

location Bulgaria, Cipro, Montenegro, Romania, Turchia, Ungheria

Poland 4F


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4F ia a brand offering high-quality sportswear and accessories. Its halmar is the combination of quality, technology and fashionable materials with modern design. The 4F range includes both specialist apparel for various sports discipilines as well stylish sportstyle collections - perfect for everyday wear. Since 2008 4F has been cooperating with the Polish Olympic Committee, and now it dresses 6 national representatnions - teams of Poland, Serbia, Croatia, Latvia, Greece and Macedonia. The 4F brand currently runs over 200 stores in Poland nad is also available in more than 400 multi-brand sport stores. It also presents in 36 other countires, with further global expansion extending dynamicly.

We are looking for a self-employed agent, very good organized, dynamic responsible with good market knowledge and portfolio of clients.
Proven sales success will be an additional plus.
Sales commision will be paid at rate 5 to 10%.
If you are not an agent but still interested in cooperation, you can become one of our distributor or reseller.
Distributors/resellers rates and exclusive territories are for disusion.

We offer full product training, support in sales and marketing materials, professional and long term collaboration.

If this offer is interesting for you and you want to get more information we will be grateful to receive your application directly on or via

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