Agenti di Commercio

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Annuncio n. 0077256880

Sales Agents for Horeca Furniture & Home Accessories, Garden furniture, Interior Decorations

location Austria, Francia, Germania, Italia, Spagna, Svizzera

Austria Dublino


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Dublino Group is one of the leading hospitality and hotel furniture retail and wholesale groups in Central Europe. It sells its products, many of them custom-made, under the Dublino brand in five countries. Its customers include all the major players in the target market, from the major restaurants of the gastronomic trend, through popular nightclubs, to high-profile hotel chains. All five of our agencies have their own showrooms. We are currently looking for a target-oriented team member for the Austrian and German markets for the position of B2B Field Sales Agent.


Our target market is: Independent Hotels, Hotel Groups, Restaurants, Entertainment Venues, Furniture Contractors, Project Management Companies, Architects, Property Developers, Public Institutions in Austria and Germany.


We are looking for sales agents with an established network in the furniture market. Developing and maintaining pro-active relationship capital is essential. If you have this networking capital and the drive to succeed, this opportunity is perfect for you to leverage your existing experience and expand your business potential with a well-established, innovative company.



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