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Annuncio n. 0077256902

Sales Agents Distributors for Home Decoration, Premium Scented Candles

location Belgio, Germania, Lussemburgo, Olanda



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Vellutier® are candles in which global design and elegance meet in one place. Our passion for above-average solutions has always pushed us to search for real gems, jewels in the surrounding reality. Inspired by the perfection of nature, innovation of technical thought and the charismatic nature of unusual places and stories, we have created exclusive and unique candles which, present change in the surrounding space.

Achieving heights at every stage of production was possible thanks to the cooperation of brilliant artists and specialists in the field of glass design, woodworking and honoured masters of world perfumery. Real jewels - Vellutier® candles have been hidden in the highest quality, special recipe velvety wax and packed in a unique glass dedicated to our brand. Its sophisticated shape, with its characteristic two-angled cut, forms a perfect figure with a precisely matched lid made of real wood.

We are currently looking forward to work with experienced Sales Agents in Germany and the Benelux Countries. 

Please contact us for further information, price details and sales compensation.




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