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Platestahl Umformtechnik GmbH

Annuncio n. 0077256668

Sales Agents for Bearing, Mechanical Engineering and Drive Technology Industry or Comparable

location Svezia

Germany Platestahl Umformtechnik GmbH


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Platestahl combines more than 150 years of experience and forging tradition with advanced material know-how and modern manufacturing technology.

We manufacture rings with cylindrical contours up to (perforated) discs, raw-rolled or pre-turned in all required heat treatments.

Platestahl has equipment suitable for all requirements, whether individual items or small series production from our open-die forging department, or medium and large series production from our ring mill. Therefore we can offer cost benefits by complying with specifications and tolerances from the resulting shorter processing times.

Our extensive range of materials includes a large number of unalloyed construction and tool steels, bearing steels, stainless steels, heat-resistant and high-temperature steels as well as case-hardened and heat-treated steels.

The portfolio is rounded off by our bright steel range of various wire and bar steel products in exclusively round cross-sections.

Our target customers are medium-sized companies in the bearing, mechanical engineering and drive technology industry or comparable.

Language skills in English are required



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