
Altri 18 utenti hanno visto negli ultimi minuti questa offerta di lavoro. Affrettati ad inviare la tua candidatura

Annuncio n. 0077256521

Agent Commercial pour Développement de logiciel / Web3 / Blockchain / Sports mécaniques

 Austria, Belgio, Danimarca, Francia, Germania, Irlanda, Italia, Lussemburgo, Polonia, Portogallo, Regno Unito, Spagna, Svezia, Svizzera





As part of its development, Veritise is looking for Commission-Only Sales Agents and/or Business Referrers throughout Europe.

Veritise is a digital startup that has created its own cutting-edge, independent public blockchain. We are developing various applications around security, anti-counterfeiting, and more.

The first application to be released at the end of March is called Veritise Racing Manager. It is designed for automotive and motorcycle racing teams. We are seeking Sales Agents to help promote this application initially.

In the third quarter of 2023, Veritise will launch its flagship application, which aims to offer businesses a simple and highly effective way to combat counterfeiting using blockchain technology. Sales Agents will have the freedom to sell this application environment to a local professional clientele such as wine producers, industrial companies, and the textile and luxury industries.

Veritise solutions are sold through monthly subscriptions, annual subscriptions and with possibility of a one-time license fee (for VRM, for example).

Compensation is 7% of the total revenue billed each month. Selling subscriptions to companies ensures stable, comfortable, and constantly growing income for Sales Agents.

Training on blockchain and Veritise services will be provided to new recruits. Business follow-ups will be conducted by the brand's Sales Director.

Ideal candidate: Dynamic, desire to belong to a brand, eager to develop a nascent project, highly autonomous, fluent in spoken and written English (mandatory), knowledge of French would be a plus, computer literacy and/or experience in the Web3 domain is a significant plus.

Please send your CV and a few lines of motivation to the email address provided.



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