Austria, Belgio, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cipro, Croazia, Danimarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Irlanda, Italia, Lettonia, Lituania, Lussemburgo, Malta, Montenegro, Olanda, Polonia, Portogallo, Regno Unito, Repubblica Ceca, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Spagna, Svezia, Svizzera, Turchia, Ucraina, Ungheria
Vigent Srl
The VIGENT s.r.l. is a young company in the distribution of smoking articles and in the specific brand of "Movida" Papers & Filters.
FOR AGENTS: select JUNIOR SALES, to be added to its own expanding sales network, to expand its staff. Currently Vigent s.r.l. is present throughout...
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